
“You see things; and you say “why?” But I dream of things that never were, and I say “Why not?” – George Bernard Shaw”

I have always been a cup half full kinda guy. We all know people who are so cup half empty that even when things are going absolutely perfectly, they look for and quite often find reasons to make things imperfect. Its almost like they don’t feel like they deserve happiness and instead of enjoying the moment they look for all the possible reasons why it is going to end.

Being the eternal optimist, its hard for me to fathom this line of thinking and perhaps I’m not as understanding as I should be in these situations.

I do know however that this is definitely a frame of mind. This outlook can be changed. It might take a bit of work and mental effort but the rewards of facing even the worst adversities in a positive light are worth the effort.

A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn’t see the clouds at all – he’s walking on them – Leonard Louis Levinson

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