Yep, I have been told that I have an opinion on everything and that I’m a bit of a stirrer. So what better than to start a blog and start stirring right away.
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Yep, I have been told that I have an opinion on everything and that I’m a bit of a stirrer. So what better than to start a blog and start stirring right away.
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I am impressed mate. I little worried at the topics, but impressed all the same. I thought I should start with the easiest issue and work my way to the hardest of the three topics. While you may have thought the “4 more years” was the easier I think not. I have known you for a lot of years and over that time have built an immense amount of respect for you. One of the reasons for this is the fact that you have an opinion on everything and most of the time a well researched, rounded and insightful one. Although there has been occasions when the thought process has not really been at its best and the opinion has become a little clouded or normally following the consumption of a bottle or two of sliver label.
So, given you have taken the time and effort to start this, then I will try and add something …
I recently finished a book by the great All Black captain Sean Fitzpatrick which looked at his life after rugby and how he now relates the world of business, and actually the world as a whole, with his rugby playing days. It looks at the simple things in life that help to make us successful, or not, as the case may be. After reading one particular chapter I was in a meeting with a group of people and found myself placing them into the categories that he had been talking of. The guys who clearly worked hard, the ones who just made up the numbers, the ones you could absolutely rely on and the ones you would never want to get into a trench with. I then found myself dealing with each of them according to this categorisation and as a result was able to get the result I wanted from the meeting. Afterwards I was thinking, why do humans think that we are so complex and why do we make everything we do complex? We over analyse situations that in reality are really very simple, and by doing so make them complex. Maybe we should all except that things can be black or white and that there is nothing wrong with them being one or the other. That things can exist together that appear to be in conflict, if we just accept them for what they are rather than we what want them to be or think they should be. When you get past all the BS and look at things in simplistic terms they never seem as difficult or as imposing as they first appeared.