Do Gooders and The Warrant of Fitness

The one problem with a reasonably affluent society like New
Zealand is that the middle class have so few real “problems”. Sure we all have
our interpersonal relationship problems, but their is no real starvation, no
oppression, no wondering whether you are going to survive the day etc.

So these people have to invent problems to make their lives
more fulfilling.

Typical example. Form a group to fight the law changes
regarding the Warrant of Fitness. Scaremonger on Radio, TV and newspapers on
how this change is going to increase all the dangerous cars on the road. No
facts or figures have been given to support these figures. Instead they use the
boyracers who have ilowered their cars as an example of this. The truth is that
very few of these boy racers cars are legal so they don’t even bother to get a
WOF. And the police are very vigialant about this and constantly check these
cars out.

When the original WOF laws were introduced, the majority of
new Zealander s  owned old cars probably
th hand that had been on the road for many years. Cars weren’t made
as well as they are today and were held onto for far longer than they were
intended to. But times have moved on. Cars last longer, they are well made and
visits to the mechanic in the first 10 years of life are rate these days. So
extending the time between warrants to a year, not only makes sense but also
makes financial sense. I have lost about an hour each time i have had to take
my car to the Testing station. An hours less work. Payment for the Warrant
which has multiplied way above the level of inflation etc etc.

So yes, these do gooders really have no leg to stand on. But
does that deter them. Nope, with some money behind them and an actual feeling
of doing something, no matter how misguided it is, they plunge headlong into
this to bring some enjoyment into their stifled lives.

Get a life people.

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